If you've never participated in Vacation Bible School you just don't know what you are missing. VBS is awesome, at least in our little town it is. We live in a rural area and the town where my church is located has a population of about one thousand. We had roughly 170 kids there this week plus the adult workers which sent us over the 230's. I say this not to quote numbers but to praise the Lord. He sends us the "harvest" and all we have to do is be ready. He tells us to be ready in season and out of season, well VBS is definately "in season".
This year we used the Lifeway Arctic Edge Curriculum and the songs and stories were great.
Another thing that drew a lot of folks was Team Impact. They came and spoke and did their thing on Wednesday. This is one of those things that people can be divided about, but you know what I think? I think it's bait! Folks who wouldn't come to a regular service will come to things like this and if you think it's all about the muscles and bricks being broken then you are sorely mistaken. These guys love the Lord Jesus with all their hearts and they are a blessing to those around them.
They do not water down the gospel, they are not ashamed of it. I encourage them to keep it up and am grateful for their willingness to come to our small town and preach Jesus and Him crucified.
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