Saturday, October 24, 2009

Soccer Disappointment

Today ds had a soccer game scheduled at 3:00 at our local field. Last night his coach called and said there was a make-up game also at 1:00 in a town about 30-40 min away. Two games back to back wow! So we drove FORTY minutes away for game #1. When we arrived ds jumped out to go join his team, and came back and told me the other team forfeited. Great. The coach came over to talk to us and said, "No, they are saying WE forfeited. The time of the game was changed and we didn't show up. There's a huge miscommunication going on here."

No kidding.

He continued, "That's not all. Our 3:00 game is cancelled because of scheduling conflict. Only one field is playable and we can't play on the other one. So just go on back home."

Ds was really disappointed, not to mention that we made an hour and a-half round trip for nothing!

Oh well, at least we had ice-cream on the way home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of your dear sweet soccer player!

It looks like something you'd see in a calendar or something...

so sweet!

c/ya--- Pat