Saturday, May 7, 2011

I can't believe I did this...

I went to the bookfair yesterday, had a "10+" sticker on my name tag. Whoo Hoo!!!

And after 10+ years of going I can't believe that I bought....

All these years I've always made my own charts, lists and planners. No one else's "pre-made planner" has EVER had everything I needed.  But well, life has changed for me.  I have more outside responsibilities and time is of short supply lately.  I also have been forgetting things because my church job requires me to keep up with everybody's plans, and at home I have to keep up with everybody's plans, and I have my own plans too and well, this old brain ain't what she used to be!  I do use google calendar and all that e-stuff but sometimes you just need PAPER!

I'm really so excited about this planner/binder.  I can take it with me everywhere!  I will have a grocery list, menus, calendar, school plans, budget (if I choose to write that down) and more in this binder!

I already have visions of the days I forget to put something in the crock pot and it's too late, because I remember this about lunch time.  But now I will be able to look in my binder and see what else we have at home to eat, or have that list of a few groceries that I need to pick up between big shopping days and not waste brain power, energy and time!

So many other things too.  I'm sure I'll be talking more about this as I actually use it.

I got the planner book yesterday but have to wait a week or so for the binder to come.  It's sooooo pretty!

P.S. I know my dil will like this! ;)


Anonymous said...

Wow! 10 plus years! woo-hoo! I was wondering if you went.
Cool beans about the planner. Does it have a spot in there for planning to visit with OLD Friends?!!!!

Happy Mother's Day, Pat

Leigha said...

I DO like this! :) I've heard about this planner before and it sounds awesome. To me there's nothing like an "old-fashioned" pen and paper planner/calendar! I couldn't live without mine!