Friday, November 11, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal ~

In my life this week…
Well, I totally missed posting last week, so today's journal may include some of last week's happenings.  Although I don't really remember what went on!  I'm getting old and if I don't write things down right away, they just get by me.  I do know we performed our black light show on the 31st and it was a huge hit!  Everyone loved it. :)  This week, it was time to put everything away and start focusing back on school and the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.  I have a lot of planning to do.  My kids are coming from out of state and will be staying a week. YAY!  I get to see my new granddaughter!!

In our homeschool this week…
Surprisingly we got almost everything done this week.  We are still dragging our feet in biology.  I really just need to take a day and go over it and get those lesson plans done!  But enough about what we didn't do, what we did do was DS finished his math program!  Now, I don't have the money to get the next level right away, so we are going to spend some time on drills.  He really needs that anyway.  I think I will make some powerpoints too for him.  I like making powerpoints, they are just so time consuming.

I am inspired by…
Prayer.  Isn't prayer just the most amazing thing?  At our church we are going to have a churchwide prayer and fast in December but people are praying fervently NOW.  We are posting prayers for each other on facebook and just really lifting each other up to the Lord.  AWESOME!

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We saw a lot of people come to our show last week, this week, this morning in fact we are going to see the orthodontist!  We'll find out if DS needs braces.

My favorite thing this week was…
NOT the time change.  I mean I know this is the "real" time, but I feel like I'm sleepy at night, sleepy in the morning, sleepy all the time!

What’s working/not working for us…
We are still doing the schedule where we do a chore, do an assignment, take a short break.  Kind of a rotation.  It's just helping us stay on track where we would rather be sleeping. :)

I’m cooking…
I'm going to be doing some freezer cooking for the upcoming holiday season.  Not so much the holiday food but the daily meals so I can stay sane!

I’m grateful for…I’m praying for…
(These go together for me this week.)
My husband.  He has been sick a lot and without getting too personal, I am so grateful that he is still here and tries to be a good father and husband when he does feel good.  We've been together 25 years and I still love him.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
"Living He loved me
Dying He saved me
Buried He carried my sins far away"


Mommy Minded said...

love, love, love this song!

martianne said...

Hope your hubby feels better soon! It's no fun when any of the family is sick. We had a sickly October and I am so glad it's done!