Friday, October 7, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In our homeschool this week…
We are in our 5th week of school this year. We haven't been doing anything really "exciting" in our homeschool. Just clicking along in our books.  This made me realize I haven't been writing too much about it, but it occurred to me that lots of days and weeks of homeschool are like this and maybe others want to know that. So I'll share in a little more detail, what ds is actually doing.  
First off he has some learning difficulties and he is all over the place in "level".  I say level in quotes because we quit caring about that long ago.  
He begins his day with breakfast, usually cereal, and completes a few chores.  
Then he reads his Bible.  He is still struggling to read well so I let him choose his own passage.  He's been reading a Psalm every day. 
Then he works on a memory verse.  This week's is -
"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. " Ephesians 4:29. 
He does some drills in reading and digit span.  
He reads a poem.  Currently he is reading Alfred, Lord Tennyson.  
Then he does math.  We are using Teaching Textbooks.  He's finishing up Book 6 and I think we are going to skip 7 and go to Pre-Algebra.  He is developing at a fast pace this year and it's exciting!
We do grammar and word roots study alternately.  
In history we are always slow!  I don't know why but it always happens!  We are studying some ancient world history and I found a plan online somewhere (I'll post about it sometime when I find it) , I can't remember where, and I adapted it for us.  It's going well except where I planned to use library books, we keep skipping those days because I haven't made it to the library yet this year! Just keepin' it real. 
He reads a book on his own every day.  He is reading Pinocchio in the Great Illustrated Classics version.  We've read many books unabridged in the past so he is reading them now on his own, and it has been very good practice for him.
Last but not least.  Biology.  I ordered Biology: A Self Teaching Guide. It was recommended in the old The Well Trained Mind. I chose it because we used Apologia for my daughter, and it is a really good program. But, for my son it is way too much reading. So I decided to give this a try.  It is definitely more condensed but at this stage it seems like it is going to work out.  I've been trying to make booklets and notebook pages for him, but have gotten behind.  That is another advantage of Apologia, there seem to be plenty ready made lapbooks and notebooking sets to go with it. 
There are a few other things we do but I'll talk about them another day. 

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
I went to see a play my dd was working on, Agnes of God, she wasn't in the play, but did the costuming and some staging. It's a very interesting story.  A bit perverted religiously, but interesting nonetheless. And the actresses did a very good job. 
DS went to our churches D-Now this past weekend.  He had a blast!  D-Now stands for Disciple Now and it's a weekend set aside for youth to be discipled in Christ and they get to know each other and the adults better in the process.  

Things I’m working on…
I'm still working on planning and preparing for our puppet team's performances.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
"Peeling potatoes carelessly, cutting thick peels, became one of my daydreams of the high life."
-The Endless Steppe

1 comment:

katie at brighton park said...

A puppet team sounds fun! I'm with you on the levels. I think my eldest daughter does "care" that she is in 2nd grade and doing 2nd grade level work, but my younger daughter sure doesnt and as long as she is learning every day and we are on track, I dont think it matters! stopping by from the HMJ link up!