Friday, May 20, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal ~9

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal ~

In my life this week...
I got the yard sale done! Yay!  They are such hard work and this one really was.  My mom pretty much put out everything she owned.  She asked my daughter, "Isn't this easier than doing it after I'm gone?"  Not sure what to think about that question.  I took my SIL to the dentist, had to drive for her since she was on medication. I worked out of the home 3 days.
Besides all of this, God is really working in me to understand sometimes that if he shows me something that a person does that isn't "right" He's calling me to pray for them, not just surface, but real intercessory prayer.  This is hard, cause my first instinct is to just gripe about it not to take it to the Lord and lift them up and encourage them.

In our homeschool this week...
Only one more week of our group study of Around the World in 80 Days.  We've enjoyed it, the other families have been great but I am ready for a break in our schedule.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...
We're not going many places this week, but we are seeing my daughter for a change! Now that college classes are over she's home everyday and we actually get to talk and work together!

My favorite thing this week was...
... at one moment in time, my bed was made, my bathroom was clean, my laundry was done.

What's working/not working for us...
What's not working is our schedule lately.  Things are calming down (I hope) and we can get into a new routine for summer.  Summer is always busy, but ds needs to do math and reading through the summer every time he gets a chance.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
I'm thinking about science lately.  We just don't get much of it done lately.  I need some time to make a plan that we can actually stick to.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
I came across this a few weeks ago and I just absolutely love it!  I so would love to be a part of something like this!  You really should take the time to watch.


Crisc said...

Sounds like an awesome week =)

Sam said...

Your favorite thing this week is also a favorite of mine!

Becca said...

I'm having that same conversation with God about praying and not ranting about those not right things people do. It is very hard for me.

Leigha said...

Love these posts...I like hearing about what's going on with ya'll each week! Glad the yard sale went well!

Unknown said...

Your favorite thing this week was mine as well, though it only lasted one day and now 4 days later i am back in the laundry room trenches! My kids are little so alot of our science is incorporated into outside time...they love it, it feels more waldorf than planned and it keeps me from having science guilt. when they are bigger i know i will have to have a plan but for now, nature takes the lead. stopping by from the homeschool mothers journal. (I have that same beatrix potter quote...isnt it great?) Katie