Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…
The weeks of fall go so fast they all seem to blur together.  Every time I sit down to write this journal, it makes me stop and think. What did go on in my life this week besides just "busy-ness"?  I worked an extra day outside of the home and that always makes life a little more hectic.  But one thing I've been procrastinating about all year I finally got around to doing.  I got my eyes examined and got new contacts. YAY! I can see again! 

In our homeschool this week…
DS was on his own a lot this week.  Good and bad.  Good because he needs to be more independent, bad because a few things slid by the way side.  But all in all we are doing well on our 4th week into schooling.  I don't have anything really special to report.  Except that he got a new Bible from a friend and I hope he will be able to read it easier than the version he has been using.

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Plan, plan, plan and then organize, organize, organize.  When I have everything set for the week, all print outs, supplies, books etc. all lined up, things go so much more smoothly and we don't waste time looking for things, or saying , "Oh well, we'll just get to that later".  This week wasn't like that! LOL So next week I really need to get myself in gear!

My favorite thing this week was…
Wednesday night children's ministry.  I usually do a skit and I did that this week, but I also took the 1st & 2nd grade group because the usual leader was out this week.  Those kids really blessed me.  They were so "into" the lesson.

Things I’m working on…
This is going to sound like a broken record, but I am working on our annual black light show for the puppet team I direct.  I will be working on it non-stop until the end of the month.  Not to mention we threw in a parade float and a school carnival this month too!!!

I’m reading…
The Endless Steppe.  I've never read it.  It's always on the reading lists for school, so I decided to read it myself.  It's an easy read that I pick up at night for about 5 min before I fall to sleep.
I'm also reading 1 Samuel in my quiet time.

I’m cooking…
Meals from my freezer and anything fast and easy!  

I’m praying for…
Children at my church.  I was convicted this week to pray for the kids in our children's ministry.  Many of them come on the church van and I'm pretty sure they don't have praying parents.  I have been so distracted by other things, I've neglected praying for them.  This week I'm standing in the gap for them. 

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. -G.K. Chesterson


Becca said...

Good quote - good reminder!

Unknown said...

Yes! These weeks are flying by, arent' they? It's already October! I think I missed September! LOL

Stopping by from THMJ!